tips you need to do every day to really improve your english #PART 1

Hello everyone I am Linar Simamora, so in this time i am going to talk about things that you can do every day to improve your English.

I think we can all agree that learning English or laerning any language takes time, effort, and dedication. But the most succesful language learners, they find a way for their language to become a part of their life. It just becomes a habit like you are eating every day. If you want to improve your English, practice should become a daily habit. To help you with this I am going to share many things that you can and should be doing every day to improve your English and yes I am suggesting that you do all this tips every day but they are not huge tasks and we are going to talk about how you can make them a bit of fun too.

so come check it out !!!

Pronunciation                                                                                                                                                                                                  So the very first thing on my list is pronunciation.  Yes you should be practising your pronunciation every day. And it's not to try adn get rid of your accent, but you  make it clear enough that others can comfortably understand  when you speak. it's useless if you have amazing grammar and vocabulary sklis but  you can't comunicate well to others. When we learn English in our school, our teacher may not  have focused on pronunciation, it may not have been the priority. our teacher's main aim was probably to get us high marks in our exam. But in the real world when you are using English to speak with other people, your fluency  when you speak, it's do incredibly important. Get into the  habit of learning and using the correct pronunciation to day because it's going to save you lots of headaches and confusion down the track, plus practising your pronunciatiation every day consistenly, it's gonna help you to make noticiable improvements in a short space of time. so how can you start doing this? 

I recommend that you learn the IPA  (International Phonetic Alphabet). Learning IPA will allow you to correctly pronounce every single English word using the correct English sounds. Another great way to practice pronunciatiation is with imitation lessons, so in this lesson, i help you to copy me and shadow me as i speak. they are really awesome, quick ten minutes vidio that you can practice with regulary so add them to a playlist and keep coming back to them and practice with them often. Try to identify some of mistakes that you are making wihit your pronunciation. You can also simply read out loud to improve your pronunciation. Doing this every day will help your mouth muscles to get working and creating English sounds and get more comfertable doing it. It's as simpleas that and doesn't need to take you long just five or ten minute a day is plenty. Just make sure you are doing it consisitenly

You could even dong it by singing English songs. Create one opportunity to absorb English every day. To absorb is to take in information so you are like a sponge soaking things up, taking in new idea, new words, new ways of expressing yourself and you can do this in lots of different ways, so many ways. Listen to a podcast an audiobook. You could watch an English movie or any video in Youtube. Read a book or blog spot. In fact you probably want to mix this up during week right? To keep things interesting. A  podcast on Monday, read book on Tuesday. Whatever floats you boat. Now again, this doesn't have to be a huge time -cunsuming tasks but it's worth spending some time searching for the right of content. It must be stuff that is interesting for you. If you are into football or you love makeup tutorials or romance novels or soap operas. But the point is, find something that interests you and excites you because you need to look forward to doing it every single day. It shouldn't feel like you are doing English practice

So i have two little recomandation here. firstly, you need to find the time that you are going to do it and declare it. That is you daily time to absorb English so  it could be on the bus on your way to  work or while you are eating breakfast. I've always found that attaching an activity to the task helps you make it part of your routine. And while you're doing it just keep a notebook handly so that you can write down expressions or new words which you can look up and check later on. simple as that, I deliberately don't make translation so that we can all learn by reading English

Okay guys that's all from me, I hope my content useful for us to improve our English skills,  next time i will continue the tips. So don't  forget to like my content. See You....


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