tips you need to do every day to really improve your english #PART 2

Hello everyone! welcome back with me Linar Simamora, So to day I am going to continue the  tips and tricks you need to do every day to really improve your English.

So the next tips is writing, writing every day has some amazing benefits. But before I talk  more about that I want to make it clear, I am not talking about writing a few thought or a few ideas down. It only has to take a few minutes and nobody has to see it. I't just for you. So there is a few reason why writing every day is excellent habit to get into. It help your vocabulary to stick. Writing is one of the best ways to recall new words and expressions that you have find across. As you reading or watching TV shos or books you come across new ideas and words. And write them down but then you start to use them yourself. You think of sentences and your own ideas about how to use these words. That way you are producing your own sentences rather then just listening to other people's and it helps it just stick in your mind. And ypu can also riview ypur own work. Once you've finished writing , leave it for a few days oe a few weeks, come back to it. See if you can make any improvements or if you can use a thesaurus to lookup synonyms and replace some of teh word with more advanced ones. These are just a few ideas but getting into a daily writing practice creates so many oppurtunities for you to applay what you've learned or what you have seen or what you've experienced in English, and then review it.

Lastly, Join an English discussion about stuff that interests you. Now this sounds serious and may be compliated but it's not, I am just talking about joining as active group or online there are people interacting. They are sharing their ideas, they are giving opinions and you are able to respond. So you can comment and actually be part of the discusssion as it happens. Now this could be in person but it can easily be as part of online community. Plus that makes it, you know, even easier to create daily habit around it because it's simply about checking in and seeing what everyone else has been talking about and giving your two cents worth. So how do you find these places? It takes a little work. You can't  just Google cooking and join the first group that you find. Join a few different ones, see which one is the most active, which one has really interesting discussions happening in it. Sometimes nothing gets posted in these groups for days and that's not really helpful for you, right? So I would start by writing down your top five hobbies or interests. Dont start with English language. What else are you into? Are you into politics or yoga or marketing, photography, sports. I mean you probably already follow people or a part of groups that are like this. So all you need to do is commit to checking in once a day and write a commet. It's not more complicated than that. If someone shared something and they  are asking for opinions, don't keep scrolling. It's  an oppurtunity for you to share so stop, think  af a way that you can contribute

So .if you can  bring the tips and tricks in to your daily routine in some way, you will absolutely, without a doubt improve your English. Remember that it takes a little bit of time to create good habits. It's not as simple as deciding you are gonna do it. So I've got a couple of extra tips to  help you get startes. Do your research first. Find a blog or a TV series that will keep you interested so you don't have to look for something to do okay? give yourself a week or so to find the right type of community to join and be part of the discussions with. Then create a regular schedule to help you get started and really  I just mean decide when you are going to do these tips and tricks so for example, pronunciation  practice might be in the bathroom for five to ten minutes every morning as you're getting ready for work. Then listening to your favorite podcast on your way to work and you are writing down your words  on the bus, on your lunch break, might be the time to check a social media groups and write a group comment. Then spend ten minutes at the end  of your day  writing about what you did or what you learnt before dinner and simply put that on repeat. Very quickly you'll reliaze that English has become a regular daily part  of your routine. 

Well  I hope you can do the tips to improve your English skills. See you on the next  content.   

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